Alan Taylor Alan Taylor

Dealing with failure

God deals with our failure in a whole other way than most of us realise. Find out more in this short video.

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Alan Taylor Alan Taylor

Overwhelmed by freedom

I want to look at the relationship between truth and freedom, and then freedom and love. In John 8, Jesus says that once we know the truth, the truth will set us free. This pairing of truth and freedom can be found from the very start of the Biblical story. A lot of people look at the story of Adam and Eve and focus on their inherent sinfulness – the ‘sinful human nature’. But my main takeaway from that story is a bit different.

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Alan Taylor Alan Taylor

Overwhelmed by grace

What is grace? Dan unpacks the story of Jesus with a woman about to be stoned by the relgious leaders. What happens next changes her and it can change yours.

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Alan Taylor Alan Taylor

Overwhelmed by Faith

What happens when prayer doesn’t seem to work? Where does faith come in? How do we contunue to pray?

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Alan Taylor Alan Taylor

Overwhelmed by hope

Looking at the story of Lazurus' resurrection in John 11 we learn that Jesus brings hope when we feel hopeless. He is gracious and compassionate as he enters our world and our false and destructive beliefs only to turn them around into real hope.

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Alan Taylor Alan Taylor

Overwhelmed by peace

Maral shares her story of the storm and engages with scripture as she shares the wisdom of God in navigating the storms of life.

If you are going through a storm right now, this will encourage you and help you see from a fresh perspective what God is doing.

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Alan Taylor Alan Taylor

Overwhelmed by Joy

I want you to know your true history originates beyond your parents and grandparents, your nationality, it goes way further back to the Father, Son and Spirit dreaming you up and creating you to share in his joy.

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Alan Taylor Alan Taylor

Overwhelming your fears

Jesus redeems our experience of humanity and reality. He replaces the constant fear within humanity of an absence of his loving Presence with the assurance of his Presence.

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Alan Taylor Alan Taylor

What will overwhelm you in 2021?

Just like fear overwhelms and undermines our life in Christ, so the gospel undermines our fears. This year fear will come running at us, but so will our heavenly Father. The question is what will overwhelm us in 2021?

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Alan Taylor Alan Taylor

The gate to true life in 2021

Comfort is perfect when it comes from God, but when we have an self-image of being a sinner our comfort usually ends up with unhealthy mediums of comfort.

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