Overwhelmed by the gospel

Right now life can feel overwhelming. What could it mean to be overwhelmed by the goodness of God? Discover in this short message the power of Christ's finis...

Right now, life can feel overwhelming, whether it's your job, family and homeschooling or fatigue from the lockdown. We have loads of reasons to feel overwhelmed.

Some signs you get overwhelmed include:

Overly emotional or reactive to a normal situation

You withdraw completely or become passive or apathetic.

Your thoughts become consistently negative and obsessive.

You worry and worry and worry.

You overeat, struggle with sleep or exercise.

There are lots of signs of overwhelm, and we've all probably felt it at some stage recently.

So what could it mean for the gospel to overwhelm us?

The result of being overwhelmed by the gospel is more peace, joy, hope, faith, kindness and grace in our lives.

Is this pie in the sky? No. It's the promise of the word of God.

Does it mean we deny how hard it is? No. 

Am I saying we need to focus on our selves more? No. The good news isn't about what you can do. The good news is knowing what Christ has completed on your behalf. 

The gospel gives us the new mindset, new language and new interpretation of our circumstances. The gospel provides us with the freedom to choose. This transformation is not something we do; it is something done for us, so we have a new way of seeing and experiencing reality.

God is with us and totally in union with our life. He is redeeming it from the inside out.

Christ has transformed our interpretation of reality, our beliefs and understanding about the world. The gospel is about what God has done, and therefore all the new possibilities available to us. We are now able to think, speak and act differently because of our new story and identity.

The gospel is good news for us when we realise the mission God has completed on our behalf. You might feel that we are waiting for the pandemic to finish, the lockdown to end, for things to get back to normal.

God's goodness overwhelms us when we know what Christ has finished.

So, even when we feel that life is on hold and uncertainty rules, let us be assured of what God has completed and move forward positively.

Let's look at John 19:30

30 When Jesus had received the wine, he said, "It is finished." Then he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

Here are 4 things that Christ finished on the cross and what they mean to your life.

  1. Sin

  2. Separation

  3. Shame

  4. Selfishness

Sin - Sin is about missing the mark - it's a breakdown of our relationship with God, one another and creation. Sin leads us to self-imposed isolation from God's Presence. Sin makes us our own worst enemies where we sabotage ourselves. When we sin, we usually blame others and fail to take responsibility for our mistakes. Sin leads to spiritual death.

So, that's a bit about sin. So, what does Jesus' death do? It ends the power and curse of sin and death. We are forgiven and set free from sin and the propensity to sin. We can know God, his love and a connection with his purposes to redeem the earth. We can let go of both sins we've done and sins against us.

So, it's time to forgive. Who do you need to forgive? Do you need to forgive yourself and let go of old beliefs about your identity?

Separation - We are in union with God, the idea that we can be separated from God, creation and our neighbour is no longer feasible. In Christ, we have God and humanity in a union. There is no separation. In Christ, we have a God revealed as One who is Three. Separation is an illusion. We are connected; we are not just individuals. Yes, we are distinct and responsible for our lives and how we share with creation, but we're united with God, in Christ.

What could it change for you knowing we are connected to creation and our neighbour? Who do you need to be an advocate for? How could your consumption reflect your connection with more impoverished communities?

Shame - Sin causes to hide and be ashamed. We do not need to hide when we are in union with God and sharing in his divine life. Jesus dies a shameful death; he is a substitute for our shame. We can be free and ready to make mistakes without embarrassment. It's time to show up. 

Where do you need to speak up? Where can you make mistakes in new places? Where can you test that you no longer live under shame? 

Selfishness - Christ's death puts an end to our self-centred existence. We are united with God; we are saints, not sinners. We have a new heart and spirit designed to be in union with God. We're here to serve others and join God's dream to restore the earth. 

Do you consider yourself a sinner or a saint? 

The gospel is overwhelming for us because it puts to death sin, selfishness, shame and separation and in exchange we can live in union with God's character - hope, faith and love, joy, peace and grace. These are gifts of the gospel and our participation in the triune life.


Overwhelmed by the Gospel: From Death to Life


Overwhelming your fears