The Journey Church

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What the Octopus teacher can teach us about the Incarnation

I was watching the Netflix documentary My Octopus Teacher.

It's the story of the SA Craig Foster's unorthodox recovery from burnout as a wildlife Filmer.

Now one day during his dive in to the local waters he discovers this octopus and wonders what would happen if he went to see it every day. What develops over the year is stunning.

Craig immerses himself into the world of the octopus. He develops this bond of trust that even transforms Craig's humanity.

For me this a glimpse of the Incarnation - the truth that God enters our world as a human being in Jesus Christ to build a relationship with us.

But the Godman Jesus Christ does not get out the waters at the end of the day like Craig. The Creator God does not come up for breathe as if his creation is alien to him.

This is no external, separated God from us. Jesus is God with us. God saves us inside our darkness not apart from it.

The Octopus will always remain a mystery to humans, but for God , humanity is no mystery, he has become one of us so we might become one with him.