The Journey Church

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What is ministry?

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Devotion 18-10-22 what is our ministry.m4a

Ministry literally means service. So, we're talking here about serving one another and the world.

My sense is that we as the journey can sometimes act in love, but with the brakes on. It doesn't feel especially over the top! maybe you agree or don't!

I like to do things over the top at times, and I think we need more of that in our midst. Grace is outrageous, lavish, expensive and unreasonable.

Jesus said " what good is it if you are good to those who are good to you? Even the sinners do that!"

Elsewhere Jesus said we're to love our enemies.

Jesus died on the cross to reconcile all of humanity to Christ, even those who killed him. He loves those who hate him.

Jesus' love and grace is way beyond comprehension. Now, we're not God, however we're called to imitate Him and trust there is enough grace to give away.

Now, all of these commands to love the outsider are based on the reality that we're deeply loved and our source of love is the God and Father of Jesus Christ. We are enveloped in that circle of love and joy and contentment in Father Son and Holy Spirit.

Contemplative prayer is one of the best ways I know of to experience subjectively the objective truth that God loves you.

So, here is a challenge to listen to deeply:

What stops you from reaching out in generous, sacrificial love?

How could you show love in your work?

Does your job spec include loving people? Here;s an exercise, write down your job description through the lens that it is your primary ministry of loving others. How is it different?

What would seem above and beyond to you?