The Journey Church

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“Reframing Fruitfulness”

An update from The Journey April 2024

It’s been a while but hopefully a few photos and stories will give you a feel of what’s been going on with The Journey.

Food and Forest

Below is our new logo for TABLE - a project creating places of belonging and faith for 18-30s around hospitality. We have been encouraged by some funding to trial in 3 new cities in 2024.

FOREST CHURCH - We continue to meet outdoors once a month inviting Christians and seekers alike to experience God’s presence and find our story among the trees, bushes and bees!  

The photo above is from a walk that Paul Eaton (Table leader) was on near Buxton which summed up what we sense God inviting us into - discipleship around the table and outdoors!

Local living

I’m very involved in helping run a local community hub (I started the charity with a few local people) employing staff, planning budgets and creating plans for the future as the chair of the trustees. It’s a voluntary role I do to ensure I’m rooted in the community sharing God’s love in practical ways and working for the common good.

One of the projects we’re involved in is starting Ladybarn Community Garden (see workshop designing the garden below). We just planted an orchard and our plans are to grow food in raised beds sponsored by streets and community groups. Personally I hope to develop a community of spiritual seekers around the growing. Maybe Jesus will open eyes as we uproot, plant and sow!

Reframing Fruitfulness

We’re working closely with Simon and Gaynor Shaw who are based in Derby at The Source taking a similar approach to faith and community.

Our online groups include “Reframing Fruitfulness” serving a small cohort of missional practioners across the UK and “Everyday Theologians” which invites deeper exploration of the spiritual life found in the everyday.

The Journey’s down to earth approach to mission around conversations and meals is not always dramatic or especially dopamine inducing! So we’re building a wider community beyond The Journey that encourages one another to keep "having a go" and reframe  “ordinary” moments as fruitful in God's economy.

And finally…

A special thanks to those who have prayed for us or given financially now, then or forevermore!

We rely on the generousity of our partners.

I can’t say I enjoy inviting people to give, but I keep doing it because I believe our mission is bearing fruit on the edge and margains in small, slow and hidden ways that give hope that faith lived out around the table, in 2s and 3s, one conversation at a time is an essential path forward for the church.

You can give here to support The Journey as a one off or regularly.

