The Journey Church

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Growing in Prayer: Our Father

3 Mins to encourage you to pray to "OUR" Father.

"OUR" means he is the God and Father of all humanity not just your church/tribe/cultural silo, the invitation is to you and through you to an inheritance of sonship.

"OUR" means he is the God and Father of Jesus Christ, the Son, you are included and woven inro an eternal, unbreakable bond of Divine Love. Be assured you belong.

"OUR" means he is the God and Father of Isreal, remember their Exodus liberation then is a shadow of our liberation to be free sons and daughters of God through the Son.


  • What is the significance of Jesus using the plural “Our” in “Our Father”? 

  • Have you reflected on how your earthly parents shape your image of God?

  • What does it mean for you to call God “father”?

  • Why do you think Jesus needed to learn obedience? 

  • How has calling God “our father” and “your Kingdom come” connected?